Feeling Tipsy? Here Is Why Booking A Taxi Service Might Be A Good Idea!

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Partying all night with friends after a long week of tight work schedules and encroaching deadlines might leave you feeling tipsy when the night ends and it’s time to drive back home.
It’s often hard to keep track of how much you’ve had when the night is still young and you’re having the time of your life. But the drive home often keeps lingering as a daunting challenge in the recesses of your mind.
Drunk driving is unsafe—and not just because we have forever been told that it is so. It’s backed up by science.
Not only does alcohol cloud your vision and slows down your response rate, but also dampens your motor skills and has an overall adverse effect on your driving abilities. When you’ve had a night of fun, laughter and possibly a few too many drinks, it’s always the best idea to call a cab near you to reach home safe and sound.
The dangers of drunk driving are not just targeting you but also anyone else present on the road. Drunk driving holds greater social responsibility than you might think.
With as many as 29 people falling victim to fatal drunk driving crashes and losing their lives every day in the US, the problem becomes hard to ignore. The consequences extend to envelop uninvolved pedestrians or sober drivers as well because 10, 000 lives fall prey to such unfortunate accidents every year.
A Texas-based organization, MADD, quotes that as many as 30% of the drunk drivers that cause such fatal road accidents are aged between 21 and 24 years of age. People in this age group tend to seek out thrill, adventure and fun, often overlooking the necessary precautions that need to be taken while driving after a night out.

Here are a few tips to reach home safely after a night of drinking

1. Drinking In Safe Limits

You always know the limit to which you can push yourself. Drinking out of bounds is always a bad idea. Not only does it make it unsafe for you to drive, it may also lead to a terrible hangover the next day. The numbers above speak for the hazards of drunk driving themselves.
Whether it is a shot or two of vodka or expert-recommended 12 ounces of alcohol for men and women both, it is safer to adhere to a carefully administered alcohol intake before turning the key to ignition.

2. A Complement Meal

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You’ve heard it once, and we’ll say it again. The most important meal before a night out is the meal that you have before drinking—and a few snacks during it. The reason for this is simple.
The rate of absorption of heavy food items that are rich in fat content is relatively slower to that of alcohol which works rapidly to hit your blood stream and leave you reeling in half an hour.
Alcohol tends to swell your vessels to expand which initiates a sense of warmth and leaves you giddy due to lowered pulse count and blood pressure.

Complementing your drink with fatty snacks can reduce the rate at which alcohol enters your bloodstream thus keeping you sober enough to drive home.

3. Sober Company

If you must drive, it is best to request a friend to accompany you in order to keep you awake and focused on the steering wheel. Always have a sober friend around if you’re going for a night out so that they can drive you home safely. Even if you’re the one driving, hearing someone chat all the way back home helps you regain control over your numbed motor skills.
Keeping track of the conversation may also help you keep track while driving. Even if not driving, having company is better than travelling alone if you decide to book a ride.

4. Call A Cab

Your car can be brought home from wherever it is parked anytime during the day when you are sober. It does not necessarily need to be driven home when you are not in the right state of mind with alcohol inhibiting your reflexes.
A cab will not only assist you in reaching home safely but also eliminate the risk of putting others in danger because of your driving.
Booking a cab in advance before a party is much more efficient because you can enter the details of your drop off location while you are still sober.
Texas Yellow and Checker Taxi is a licensed and fully-insured yellow cab service provider serving Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Mansfield, Grand Prairie and other adjacent areas within Texas,
U.S.  We have been in the industry for a considerable period of time and are known for our safe and quality transportation.
We specialize in offering easy and timely airport taxi service additionally along with transport facilities to corporate and private users for regular use. Making the system of taxi cab services near you easy and convenient, Texas Yellow and Checker Taxi is there to take you anywhere you need!


Our utmost priority is to ensure the health and safety of our passengers, employees, and corporate partners. As new COVID-19 cases continue to be reported in Texas, we take every measure to make our operations as safe as possible. During this outrageous coronavirus outbreak, the most important thing that we all must do is educate ourselves and others about the risk factors and preventive care of COVID-19.